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Apartments for Sale Vs. Apartments for Rent in Oman

Apartments for Sale Vs. Apartments for Rent in Oman

Are you moving soon and having a hard time deciding whether you should look up apartments for sale or apartments for rent? Don’t worry; we’re here to help you figure out
how to choose between those two, by guiding you on which factors you need to take into
consideration even before you start apartment hunting.

1- Finance
First and foremost, what you need to do is set your budget and your payment
method. Do you have the cash to put a down payment on an apartment and do you have a
steady job of which you can depend on for the rest of the payment? Do you prefer weekly,
monthly or yearly installments? Are you ready for any other extra costs that might come
your way like insurance, taxes, utilities or maintenance?

2- Stability
What’s the nature of your work? Are you stable in one place or do you travel a
lot? If you’re traveling around all the time then buying might not be the best option for you
as you won’t be home long enough to enjoy it. Besides that, your apartment might need
some maintenance while you’re gone away and in this case, renting would be a safer and
smarter choice.

3- Marital Status
Are you married or planning to get married soon? If so, you need to look
for a spacious area in a kids’ friendly neighborhood, a safe environment with good schools
where your kids can grow and enjoy living. That is in case of buying, however, in case you’re
renting you don’t have to worry much about that because if you didn’t feel comfortable
with your living situation you can always pick up and leave the place. The same rule applies
for renting if you’re single, as for buying all you have to do is write down a list the things
you would want in a home and search for them.

Check out our Real Estate sections at OpenSooq and find the apartment of your dreams.

Prices of Apartments for Sale and Apartments for Rent in

In 2018, a basic two bedroom apartment can range anywhere between 20,000 OMR to
200,000 OMR based on its features and location. While renting an apartment in Oman can
cost you between 20 OMR to 1000 OMR and that depends if it’s empty or furnished.
